In Summary...
Although this topic does lend itself to credible online sources, much of what can be learned from a topic like Indigenous graphic novels and comic books comes from reading them. Students serious about the topic can find a myriad of articles with lists of great stories to read from Inuit, First Nations, and Métis artists and writers, and many more get published each year.
The key element in all of this is to look at perceptions and reflections of how First Nations peoples were perceived, how those perceptions can still linger, and how new stories – using the medium of graphic storytelling – can free the reader from their colonized reading habits. The resources presented here allow for self-exploration and discovery.
At its heart, even if a student can read comics and graphic novels from multiple viewpoints, backgrounds, and histories, there is a fighting chance that empathy and understanding will be a few steps closer than before they opened this library guide.